Wednesday, 30 March 2011



image source-
You are in the library.Right..the place is as quiet as a mouse.All of the sudden, some dudes pop in, talking senseless in a very annoying loud voice without even considering that there some people who are trying hard to concenrate.

I find it uncool when m in the library and the guy next to me can't stop talking to himself in a voice that anyone can hear him.And if he makes a mistake or  something wrong happen  he/she will just curse.

I find it not fun at all, when 2 guys who came all the way to the library together and seem to be friends.Each one of them sit far from one another and they can't just stop talking to each other, time after time in a very loud voice as usual.

I find it uncool when someone picked up the phone in the library and she will talk, laugh and talk laugh and talk laugh for hours.Forgetting that she is in the library.

I find it not cool when someone didn't put her phone off silence or vibration.and later someone flashes, and flashes and flashes her.I always wonder why she cant just put it in silence if the person can't stop flashing.

Myself, I find it pretty uncool if i didn't have breakfast in the morning(Though somebody told me it is because m taking milk) and at the middle of quietness my tummy won't stop grumbling..aww.I hate it with passion..Next time, Milk Black Tea before school Young Lady!

Friday, 25 March 2011

Monday, 21 March 2011


*Iwas suppose to post this ages ago..unfortunately I didnt. Anyway, there is no harm Isn't it?.It  was actually  last year,  Christmas holiday .so here goes*

We had an amazing wilderness experience ever.:-)Our local Guiders were brilliant and we absolutely enjoy the days we spent with them.Animals life and features particularly of wonderful Gezzelles(Antelopes) really left us all OMG did I tell you that we fortunate spot a group of Lions seated near the roadside ?.(they were like 7 steps from where we parked our cars) but haha Boy!! we were shaking like a leaf.My bro was brave enough to come out of a car though he couldnt take more steps

The Nights were awesome but somehow scary as you can hear animals making those grunting, groaning and meowing sounds in the darkness.You remember the song we were singing when we were little' Bwana shamba has a farm .ia ia oooh..with a mo mo here with meow meow there' was kind of the same experience ..If you don't have strong heart, you can swiftly faint i tell ya..I was actually about to ...ha ha 

M considering to  revisit Ruaha or go to other national parks/games reserve in future.I once been to Serengeti but didn't enjoy much really,Time was Limited- we stayed there for like 3hrs and it was school safari.No playing around,we had to stick together like a 

The guiders told us that,the large number of people who come to visit the park regularly, are from abroad though lately there are alot of changes as pretty number of Tanzanians began to consider their own unique country heritage hence they are now bumping there.By the way, the locals are charged less to boost inside tourism compared to others....
So, just a piece of advice:-Its time to reclaim our Pride peopleeee so why dont you go and experience the widlife sanctuaries.You will love me..
Our only regret was we couldn't stay for a longer period.Only 3 days didnt totally do Ruaha justice ..Anyhow, it is officially in my 'To Do' list in no complains.
I Repeat!!!A stay in Ruaha National Park will definitely change Your Life Totally So If you have a little time, why should you even Go there...eti People???.P.s..You should make sure you pre-book for the rooms and even a car that will take you around as for us we didnt do so and we actually found that all cars were booked and less rooms were available.....x

Sunday, 20 March 2011


With out passion you don't have energy, with out energy you have nothing- Donald Trump!

Picture Source-

How much energy/intensity/Tolerance  can you put towards your life  if you don't  have  passion?
Though I haven't take a major  step to anything I love doing  at the moment but there is something like fire burning in my heart telling me that I have to fulfil  the purpose  of me on earth.The fire can't  just leave me or stop.So, I  have already make up my mind  to  go  for them though m waiting for the right time to come which I suppose is so near.(That's when I graduate anyhow*With God Grace*)

See the question above? Today I was thinking  of passion to the extent of asking myself that question.I think of many angles of passion especially of  pretty good number of  artists to a great degree of musicians , who some of them don't have passion for music but  they enrol in the world of music regardless .Some of them are striving for fame/publicity  and others for  money in order to cater their short term needs. You will notice this,After one single or an album and after they get what they want they become so dry and stop chasing  what they call passion.Why?  because they didn't have real passion in the first place .Clearly,For someone with passion even if he earned loads and loads  of millions, money will not  simply stop him from pursuing what he loves.

I learn one thing that Passion never dies.Passion will never be distracted by money  and there is no way You can just fake passion?No way?either you posses it or not at all.
Passion is real.Passion  will make sure that your journey towards your dream remains burning even in bad and self doubt times .Therefore, You have to dig deep down your being and discover things that you are absolutely enjoy doing.
So what  should you do,basically?

Abandon the attachment to time- let your passion flow itself.Never worry about  time cause that will force  you to act desperately and worse enough to the things that you aren't passionate about.If you have a passion then  take your time to let it grow.Also, take a note that you can't achieve everything within a day.Patient , focus and concentration is almost  needed.Take an example of David Tlale , the famous designer from South Africa, after discovering his  passion for fashion  and after showcasing few of his works and won new talent prize, he waited for 5 years to establish the brand without supplying his design to anyone.Gosh!see him now, he is the one of the best designers in SA.Surely,Persistence pays.

Don't let Money striving destruct Your Passion-striving for money and passion are pure enemies or two different things.Just like water and hot oil if You know what I mean.This point  is so essential even to people who are not yet find their passion .If  You are doing something  just for the sake of money then You won't get anywhere..Cause if fortunately you got money, you will left behind all you so called Passion since it wasn't your call.If you have passion,Money won't stop you to dream big and big.Passion will forever illuminate you and  make you happy but not money.I believe people got more than one passion.So, Don't ever restrict yourself unnecessarily , let the power of your passion lead you to where you are suppose to be.

Don't Let other People Paths to become Your Path-I had problem with this one.I was nearly to loose my identity because of following what my siblings, friends  were clinging to.I  forgot that  I have my own way of becoming who I am and not as Juma ,Matthew and Dorice either.Just some few months ago I realised that many paths i followed before were depending on  other people  paths.I just couldn't make my own which is totally bad.So,presently m in the process of establishing my own path.Remember,We are all have unique paths so don't let their path to become your path cause when they will give up ,mess up and fail, you will definitely do the same thing.

Renew Your Passion Frequently-As I said above, we all passionate on some things.However, don't dwell on individual or single passion because sometime in future it might change. Consequently, don't depend on one passion for future success.For example, if you have passion for wrestling, when you get older you will not able to wrestle any more though the passion will strongly  be there.So it good at young age as now, you relax and find more things you love to do and you develop yourself in them..

Till Next Time..Bye Now!

Saturday, 19 March 2011


M currently preparing for my exams which are in two months time .So, was in the library yesterday doing some calculations for  My favourite module-Financial Management.It is my fav. because it  has to do with loads of calculations rather than essays and all that. All of the sudden  bang!this outfit image came into my mind.Accordingly, I took my book,pencil and started drawing it.and finally, it appears like this.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


I vividly Remember since i was very young I could just draw.Particularly when I was in primary school .I usually Use one of my exercise Books that my daddy will buy for me to Draw all Kind of sketches especially women sketches(From head to toe).I developed since then  Although m not an artist and I didn't opt for Fine art class but my passion for sketching women outfits was there and is still there. If any outfit image bumps into my head or see earlier in a day then I will just draw.At that time I didn't know all about fashion.I didn't know why I was doing all that though since I loved it then I kept on Doing until this phase..

So,Yesterday, Out from nowhere I remembered all about sketching stuffs . I rushed, take a pencil, a book , sharpener, A glass of cold water and started drawing any outfit image that will come up in my mind .Within an hour I came out with eight outfits.Consequently,this  took me to a deep thinking that I have to give attention to my childhood dream!

At the moment m considering of using real fabrics to make clothes  out of my sketches though I don't know about fabrication or how to sew about anything(Which is not a major excuse really).I'm taking  account of doing some trainings  in some months to come or ask our sisters to teach me..Either way!. .I wish time would rush so that I get free time to do what I wanna do cause presently school works are killing me softly.

 For now I'm only checking youtube videos to see how it's done n also im working on colour palettes in order bring the uniqueness of my outfits.I simply hate the sameness of the outfit  really, It absolutely put me off when I find somebody wear as same clothes as me.I want my future design to be Unique, playful and fun, colourful and wearable.and Yes I hope to get a connection with someone who knows more about sketching,designing and fashion.It will be more easier for me.

At the time being my sketches suck but Still No design ever made without the passion or start from somewhere and As longer as (I) you got passion then (I'm)you are safe.Moreover, I have plenty time later to learn and All that and the best thing above all, I believe In God Everything is Possible.So probably one day this will turn to reality..Ummh..I cant wait to Graduate and step Up!


Sunday, 13 March 2011


We all want to achieve our  fantastic dreams Right?Where we can have too much excitements, celebration and enjoy living the dream..yeah?So, Today I learn the following tips, I hope will somehow help you Too:

☆Don't be Afraid ,Speak Out Your Dream

☆Walk With Those Who Have Seen The Same Dream and Avoid Who Diminish Your Dream

☆Find Somewhere To Fit Your Dreams(If You Know  it is exactly Your dream Then Build it A House or shelter to dwell)

☆Maintain Your Integrity-Don't let People Opinions Change  Who You Are

☆Be Persistence -Don't Quit  on Your Dream,Refuse To Give Up and If you about to quit think about a big number of people who are looking onto You

☆Do What You Have To Do For The Dream To Be Fulfilled/tackled -You should have a target what or who your  dream want to serve.Make sure is not for Yourself or for fame or reputation seeking but for sb or sth.. For example:For God,country, family, and etc

☆Stay Health In body and Spirit..Remember Don't get Revenge when your Dream Is Coming To reality.Pray,Stay Cool and Happy.

☆ Much Love-Stella.x

Thursday, 10 March 2011


I know !!!Orange is a bright colour that for some who don't fancy bright colors will not be so excited.However, I suppose Everyone can pull off the look with this colour.Its the greeeatest!!.By the way,This color has been a bomb since 2008 and yes its back now..Particularly for!!!.M so loving Orange right about now....Any good samaritan out there? I need an orange blouse and boyfriend jacket.Thank you Very Much!

Pic-polyvore blog.x

Get the look: Orange Blazers

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


I'm failing to identify  my body type.I suppose m triangle though at the same time I feel I look exactly as glasshour  body shape.So, probably I call myself totally confused here!!!lol..What type is yours?

Monday, 7 March 2011

Sunday, 6 March 2011


Do or Don't: Toe Cleavage

 Im that Kinda Girl with fetish foot everrrr and sometimes, particularly in hot areas, they get swollen for no freaking reason. Though, I have advised to take less sugar and probably salt but bluntly I cant just leave all,it may happen they swell to the extent of peeking out the shoes( for the one with larger size which i wear particularly for hot environments).I find it gross though one my friend find it attractive..yakkkk!!whats your opinion?


Hello Everyone,
So I went to  the Service this Morning as usual.
The service was so great and I totally enjoyed it .The main subject was about dreams.This title got me thinking heavily because for the couple of weeks I have somehow lost  track and I forgot  what future hold for me.Yeah,Too many things have been happening and I was dare to say,' I suppose I will not reach to this dream that Everyday before I hit bed naturally, it happen that I will do something to cherish it'.I started giving in  and being negative about the whole situation.ThoughToday, it was like I have been revived again  to follow what I'm loving to do......
Anyway forget about my bla bla, Let's go back to the topic:
we are together right?!!
You know when we are growing up or  when we are still  at young  age(youth), we all  think or dream about too many things for our future.Things such as, a dream house, dream husband, dream wife, dream career, dream car and the list goes on.In our dreams, we find  passion  which is not based on material things but things that fill us from inside.Mind you, each one of us has  fire in heart or a potential that is unique and differentiate from other people.Therefore, we are desperate or  expect that one day we are going to reach our dreams.
However, we sometimes forgot about all good dreams that we had before and we follow adverse path that we don't even know where it leads us to. We forgot to chase them and let them melt like cookies and cream..We let obstacles  in life to hold our dreams back .We think it is impossible to reach them.For example, myself, i started being negative and thought that i will not make it.I know there more out there like me in same situation..but do you embrace the negative circumstances  or you stay strong knowing no matter what you will get there?.
Eeeww!! wait a minute, Have you ever asked yourself..why other people's dreams come true and not your own..what did they do?Do you think it was easy for them?...Big No!It wasn't. Majority of  them did fight, they didn't let any impediment to fall  them apart.They stick to  what they believed in until it came to reality.
So, make sure you follow your heart and some things you are very passionate about.Because,
Dream & passion will keep you alive.Dreams will give hope and faith,.Dreams make you to be realistic, knowing your purpose will easily help you to reach the dreams.You have to speak up your dream, Let people know, speak it out and Believe in yourself.
Remember!Greatest purpose/Dream, its not about Me!Me! Believe me or not, you will enjoy so much if your dreams involve other people and  lift the heart of  yours and other people as well..thats personally I find as  the best dream 
I once listen to Incredible Randy Pausch speech to  the Graduates..Every word he said, really pleased me.He said, 'its not that things we do in life that we will regret in our birth bed but the things we do not' . He continued and said, I have done alot of stupid things(mistakes, embarrassments) and none of them bothers me, they don't matter.But when i remember the time i try to do something cool but I didn't grab it''that is where my sorrow come from......which it totally true.
We have to remember  that,a real passion is not come from material things or money cause really you will be dissatisfied if you look around and there will be someone who got more that yours .Your dream or passion should be more grounded on some things that come or fill from inside.
and if people around you are giving you a respect and love because of the passion or dream you have then continue to go for it, dont let it cease
follow it.
If you  have not  had any  passion yet..Don't give might take some time until you find out..So, Remain cool and  while asking yourself daily ,What are your dreams, what are you living here for?What is my purpose?..
