You are in the library.Right..the place is as quiet as a mouse.All of the sudden, some dudes pop in, talking senseless in a very annoying loud voice without even considering that there some people who are trying hard to concenrate.
I find it uncool when m in the library and the guy next to me can't stop talking to himself in a voice that anyone can hear him.And if he makes a mistake or something wrong happen he/she will just curse.
I find it not fun at all, when 2 guys who came all the way to the library together and seem to be friends.Each one of them sit far from one another and they can't just stop talking to each other, time after time in a very loud voice as usual.
I find it uncool when someone picked up the phone in the library and she will talk, laugh and talk laugh and talk laugh for hours.Forgetting that she is in the library.
I find it not cool when someone didn't put her phone off silence or vibration.and later someone flashes, and flashes and flashes her.I always wonder why she cant just put it in silence if the person can't stop flashing.
Myself, I find it pretty uncool if i didn't have breakfast in the morning(Though somebody told me it is because m taking milk) and at the middle of quietness my tummy won't stop grumbling..aww.I hate it with passion..Next time, Milk Black Tea before school Young Lady!

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