Fashion is about creating a new look for yourself.
Its all about using accessories such as hat,shoes,scarf and etc
to create a desired image.So today, i will be talking about hat.
Hat as head cover, has had so much significances over
the years, and it can be worn for some reasons include:
1:As a part of uniform
2:For religious or political reason
3:Head warmth for cold weather
4:To attract attention
5:Fashion accessory or accessory to clothing
6:Act as sun shade
I choose the kind of wide- brim hat below since
I'm absolutely in love with them:
Hope you won't deny that they are perfectoooo too..
Enjoy them pictures .
P.S.Iam preparing another note with regards to
the shopping i did yesterday after I had my
Finance exam.Consequently, i need to take
some pictures and publish it.I wish all to go well. until then

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