FUNNY!Underwears are very important since cover our things up.
i remember when i was in Primary school we were playing (MDUNGUANO? OR UKIMWI).and this girl was so good on that game and we were giving her FULL RESPECT. it was her turn to play that day and when she get in with all swags.. the ball thrown to her, she jumped on the sky so at the time of coming back , everyone was bursting into laughter.. KUMBE..SHE DIDN WEAR UNDERWEAR.its was such a dreadful moment of her life and she felt soo bad..by the way
There loads of styles of underwears from variety of brands such as CK,D&G,Savannah and many more.For at all times people make mistakes on buying right underwears..either too big or too small which bring some discomfort later when u wear.
UNDERWEARS SHOULD CHANGED DAILY !(Even twice per day) but for bras and under tshirts it is down to personal choice but generally two days is OK.You need to buy some more so that you change regulary.
Undewears length/life is only 6 MONTHS but it also depends on how often it worns.
Remember the following Tips.
1: Get fitted one-you need to know your size.
2: Look for the style thats fitts you don force yourself to buy one which you will look terrible on it eg. PUSH UP BRAS( YA KUINUA MAZIWA JUUU) while yo fat also wearing small size underwears for big bodies( unashindwa Hata Kuwalk) or big size for small body..you will look KITUKO
3:Think what you will be wearing over the underwears..because you might find the person wears RANGI ZA AJABU.
Always remember to wear what suit you and try to choose the bright colours especially for married couples ...lol and hand washing is fine for panties.
1:Discoloured or worn out straps( for bras or undershirt for guys)
2:Straps falling off the shoulders ..HATE IT.. sometimes utakuta its very dirty + those colours(???)
3:Too big underwear unakuta shori au manzi ameshikilia chupi thats shame..
4: Too small underwears eg. Bras if your breast are busing out over top of your bra know it is too small so you nee full size cup..
see you next time..
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