Tuesday, 29 June 2010


I'm totally over the moon today and i feel like jumping around because I passed my Exams.I real thank God for that  after all  prayers,sleepless nights and hard work,I finally made it yay!To God be the glory for sure.x
Well about socks and sandals, I have to rethink about this new trend .I'm not trend somebody  and I think If you are, you could probably have blown me down with VUVUZELA when i say i completely hate this trend haha lols.Personally, I find it very awkward and funny.I mean those high socks with open heels , I'm not quite sure.seriously,just like men with socks and sandals.
 would you try high socks with heels?
1st picture -Big Noooo for me!
2nd picture-I better be a sunday school kid like Rihanna  with short socks and normal covered shoes than the first picture..lol
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Would you wear socks and sandals?

Monday, 28 June 2010


Thoroughly I enjoyed reading this novel!Its about two different people (Sasha and   Liam) of different characters and Age, trying to work things out.Liam is considered here as a wacky artist who doesn't want 
Sasha to control him while  Sasha is a mature woman who doesn't want him to ruin her reputation.So, this struggle of Liam to become what Sasha needs him to be  makes relationship IM-POSSIBLE .I'm loving the end part of it, besides of their relationship being on and off due to different circumstances they still made it..I was reading the other novel, pretty boring  I tell you .I dumped it instantly when i snapped on Impossible by Danielle.My heart couldn't resist reading it  since it was nice one and on top of that I'm super  fan of Danielle Steel novels!
This famous author started writing  since she was a kid and she studied literature design and fashion design.So, she is good in fashion too.IMPOSSIBLE was published in  year 2005 kinda old is it? and I never had a  chance to read it however i have read bundle of her novels like Toxic bachelor,Mirror Image, Safe Harbor, The House,Sunset in St Tropez,Lone Eagle and etc,and  also it was  very cheap buying it here. 
Guys I suppose everyone got talent out there but the question come "why you  don't like to show off your talent or work on it"?You are passionate about something, I mean something you love to do or hobby then don't sit there and expect someone to hand it to you.No!, put your heart and soul on it and  go for it.
Sometimes It may happens that you have got many ideas or passion in different things, what you can do is, write them down and give a try one ideas after another .If  the passionate doesn't fade away and stays for a long time within you and you can't  just quit then carry on ,cause it might turn out to be your Career Yippeekie Yay!:-).Also, don't give up so quick since Success doesn't come that easy you know.x
book cover of 



Danielle Steel
(L-R) Gaia Repossi, Danielle Steel and Marie-Agnes Gillot arrive at Chanel during Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture A/W 2009/10 at Grand Palais on July 7, 2009 in Paris, France.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Friday, 25 June 2010


You know it surprises me to find that so few women are leaders in both firms and government.I observed that and the fact is you can school with more number of  women than men but still there is lacking in women leadership.Why?!
However ,I believe  everyone is a leader, either you are Stella or Shabaan  you can still fit to be in leader position!.It doesn't necessary mean that you need to be voted or something.No! just by leading yourself "You are a leader" and by starting from there you can lead others later on (If you want to) but start with yourself. So, if you are agreeing with me I'm sure you won't just sit there letting crises to develop, you will definitely identify problems and solve ASAP;You have dreams and passions, I'm 100% sure you will provide visions/directions for them;You will share your dream(when time is right) and make it to become reality:You will even inspire others through examples and people will admire and put their trust in you .Leaders are there to make a CHANGE and make our World better.See SHY-ROSE contribution in our society, who will hesitate to vote for her?.Know what your are working towards and take the responsibility of your career and dreams as no one will invest in your SUCCESS than you.Yes You!
All i can say there is something about this woman a.k.a Balozi wa Jamii, makes me wanna be  SOMEBODY and not NOBODY seriously, cause if you wanna become somebody or a leader you need to be a leader of YOURSELF first, Act and think BIG as a leader ,work more harder than others , don't downgrade yourself and believe that you can achieve fully with no doubt whatsoever!
Shy-rose is so social , pretty stylist  and a great  aspiring politician to be .I would like to congratulate for her good work in the society and keep going as you will definitely reach your 2010 Dream!x




Thursday, 24 June 2010


Do you remember Imelda R Marcos(Iron butterfly) the widow of the former Philippines president, Ferdinand  Marcos?.Well,She always remembered for having more than 3000 pairs of shoes while other media like BBC  stated that she left 1220 pairs of footwear at the presidential palace.Big number huh?
I know men never complicate life  lol  as most have less pairs compared to us  women who posses more to the average of 30 pair of shoes .Personally, I do love shoes  since they make a woman .They don't have  to be damn expensive but just different colors and type is all I prefer.So, how many shoes are too many for you?
Pasig thrift shoes
Ok ,I was so impressed to see what this wonderful kid of only 11 years old is doing.Her name is Olivia Wright and she is doing volunteering to help who cannot afford to buy shoes and she started doing this since she was 7.Olivia collects and donates more than 3000 pair of shoes to different charities and organisations.She founded Tennessee H.U.G.S(Help Us Give Shoes) with the help of her mummy to gather footwears for underprivileged children and adults.She organizes shoes drives her home state and gives the donation to the whole country also she make sure they get cleaned ready to wear.She also donated to HAITI and that is just the reason why she is Build a Bear Workshop Huggable Heroes semi -finalist.Wow!That is an example of how children should raised -parents pleeease take a note.
P.S Apart from volunteering  she has a dream of becoming a doctor and also she got  passion for acting, singing, drawing and writing.xI simply love this kid!x
Olivia Wright


Singer Rihanna strikes a pose for cameras after changing from an all black outfit into a sexy red sweater-dress to make an appearance on 'It's On with Alexa Chung.".

Tuesday, 22 June 2010



Coming to America is a 1988 American comedy film directed by John Landis who  also directed Michael Jackson's Thriller.I never get tired of it and  still  is one of my favorite.It always makes me laugh and i like the whole movie plus Eddie Murphy a.k.a  Prince Akeem who is totally hilarious and played so many different characters. I  have missed it and I will definitely watch it today as I'm in comedic mood!lol
Remember the Song on it  the risen King .Oh God it always gives me chills when i listen to .

Monday, 21 June 2010


Sorry I am late  wishing you guys happy father's day.I hope you enjoyed your day:-)
Good fathers are difficult to find for sure!!you are damn lucky if you got the lovely deserving one  and its your chance to make him feel so special particular on father's day.I do honor all Sweet and responsible daddies around the globe for everything they did to us since we were born.I know being daddy can be a tiresome task sometimes but you never give up upon your families.Wow!.x
 I'm late because i was caught up with  some daily activities and couldn't get time for it.Its my hope that  you remembered you daddy in occasion like this either my sending some gifts or even by calling and wish him *happy father's day*.I do express my gratitude to all daddies for their  love and support toward us.God bless you abundantly!!!
P.S-I love You daddy, Your my number One man!
I am so amazed with your unconditional love & even if I don't do thing accordingly,you will still believe in me.Even if i fail on somethings you will always encourage me and say you can still do the best and  thats what keeps me going.


Friday, 18 June 2010

Sunday, 13 June 2010


Check out wedding note.

swirl wedding invitationBlack and White wedding dresshttp://img.davidsbridal.com/db/s08_81123_2_20071216.psd.xml&cmp-color=top,x212121&ftr=5&cmp-end=1&wid=330&hei=460&cvt=jpgBlack and White Wedding Guest Book
Black and White Flower Girl Basket

black and white cake 32black and white cake 33After the Dance Canopy-  This is before the Bridal Show, so the tables and chairs are set with different styles and colors to highlight different options.  The kissing ball is ivy and red roses and the columns are topped with ivy.  Many other options are available.   Georgina's in Boltonblack and white wedding ideasblack bridesmaid dressesblack calla lilies

I LOVE THE COMBINATION OF COLORS..black & white, white & pink + white and red..simply awesome..